Orsoni Venezia 1888 host Dom Pérignon Révélation 2023

“Every year, we start a new cycle that follows the seasons, and nature offers us something different…

Orsoni Venezia 1888 host Dom Pérignon Révélation 2023

“Every year, we start a new cycle that follows the seasons, and nature offers us something different every year. That’s why we have called this celebration From Matter to Light, as we take the complex matter of nature and transform it into a beautiful assemblage.”

This is the guiding thread of the 2023 edition of Révélations, presented by Vincent Chaperon, chef de cave of Dom Pérignon, at the Venetian event that saw the Dépositaires Dom Pérignon, a prestigious group of Michelin-starred restaurateurs selected for their ability to interpret the philosophy of the Maison, as guests at the Orsoni Venezia 1888 furnace. As the culinary partner, Massimiliano Alajmo created a menu in harmony with the exquisite wines of the Maison.

Vincent Chaperon, Chef de Cave Dom Pérignon | Massimiliano Alajmo, Chef Le Calandre *** | Riccardo Bisazza, President Orsoni Venezia 1888

When Massimiliano Alajmo came to visit us for the first time at the furnace, it was like seeing a child’s eyes shine with joy. His enthusiasm immediately drew us in, and his ability to envision, at first glance, how to transform matter into a sensory experience.
What happened at the Orsoni furnace, thanks to Massimiliano and the entire team Alajmo with Dom Pérignon, is the result of the ability of some special individuals to go beyond matter, patiently transforming it into something unique, exceptional, never seen before.
The time and passion to create unique emotions is a feeling that unites us in our daily work and vision.

Every day in our furnace, we create color: we cook it, we mix it, we taste it, and thanks to ancient recipes passed down through generations, we reproduce and preserve over 3,500 different colors.
In this place, matter takes shape to become mosaic tiles, each one unique because they are all hand-cut, one by one, as the Byzantines taught us, to become works of art that last for centuries.
Here, every day, matter turns into color thanks to the skillful hands of our artisans.

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