School & Mosaic, traveling with Marco Polo

For the third consecutive year, Orsoni Venezia 1888 supports the Schools & Mosaic project promoted by the…

Exhibition of mosaic works in the cloister of San Francesco della Vigna, Venice

For the third consecutive year, Orsoni Venezia 1888 supports the Schools & Mosaic project promoted by the Municipality of Venice, Murano, and Burano, to raise young people’s awareness of the art of mosaic, which represents a very important cultural, material, and immaterial heritage of our city.

The Schools & Mosaic project aims to connect students with their city, establishing a relationship of knowledge and dialogue with the artistic, historical, and cultural heritage. The goal is to contribute to the education of future citizens, helping them to love and respect the city in which they live, not without first knowing, observing, and studying its roots.

In the Cloister of San Francesco della Vigna, the mosaic works of Venetian schools were exhibited, this year elaborating on the theme of Marco Polo’s journey.
Each class created one or two panels with Orsoni mosaic tiles, choosing one of the stages of the famous Venetian traveler’s journey from Venice to China.
We are proud that this year again this project has brought the art of mosaic into schools through play, history, and the creativity of making mosaics.

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